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Your new crown represents a serious investment in restoring the enamel of a tooth that was damaged by tooth decay or fracture. Thus giving you back the full function and appearance of your mouth. Even though your crown is made from a material that is not subject to tooth decay, it will still need to be included in your daily oral hygiene routine.

Bacteria from food particles and residual sugar in your mouth can develop into plaque which will adhere to your crown the same as it would the enamel of your natural teeth. In time this can harden into tartar at the gum line, which is the primary cause of gum disease. This puts the abutment anchoring your crown at great risk.

Advanced gum disease, known as periodontitis can cause gum tissues to recede from the base of your teeth. This creates small pockets of infection near the seam of where the cement holds your crown to the abutment. It time gum disease can also cause a loss of material in the bones that anchor the abutment to your jaw

Brushing and flossing your teeth twice each day helps to remove food particles and plaque from between the teeth, on your crown and at the gum line. Thus reducing the chances of tartar formation.

You should also consider some of your lifestyle choices that could lead to staining. The enamel of your natural teeth stain easier and deeper than the porcelain of a crown in your smile. If you enjoy staining foods and drinks, or tobacco it might dull your natural enamel so deeply that your natural teeth no longer match the color of your crown.

Your regular dental checkup will help maintain gum health and polish away surface staining before it can progress to the point where it causes matching issues.

If you have questions about caring for your crown please feel free to call us at 816-287-5650 to schedule an appointment.